Employment drug tests are essential screening methods for prospective employees before their hiring and passing those tests will get you the job. In reality, many employees face the struggle of being under the radar for such screenings and that puts pressure on their shoulders and increases the level of anxiety.
To pass the employment drug test without a problem and get negative results, you just need to follow some smart tips and advice that will help you out. There are a lot of groups and networks that help people learn more about these topics and tend to educate them in an adequate direction. In this article also, we will discuss some of the most common tips on securing your job with the negative result of your employment drug test. Check it out!
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Can You Pass the Test at Such a Short Notice?
This question is probably the most commonly asked among the workforce community, especially if they’ve been given short notice before the drug employment screening. Some tricks can guarantee you pass the test.
One of those tricks is to drink a lot of water before the test, as much as possible, as often as possible. This will increase the work of your metabolism and will throw out the drug chemicals and toxins from your body. What not to do is, never add water to the urine sample that you will provide for the lab testing, never do this! You can find more info on this topic at ANPUD, as they share tips on how to use synthetic urine to pass a drug test.
The best practice is to drink a lot of water the day before the test which will give the urine a more natural color and will avoid suspicion. What’s even better, you can collect the first sample of the urine as it contains increased levels of THC metabolites.

Know Which Type Of Drug Test You Will Be Tested For
Before going any further into the topic, you need to be informed about the type of test that will be performed as part of the employment process. Having this relevant information is crucial in passing the test. Will you be given a strip test that can show results immediately or lab test is planned and you need to provide samples?
Additionally, make sure you know the types of tests to gather more information before the testing. The tests for drug screening include marijuana, cocaine, opiates, barbiturates, PCP, amphetamines, and other drugs depending on the test.
Using Diuretic As A Common Practice
Diuretics will help you stimulate urination and get rid of harmful substances and toxins. Cranberry juice and caffeine are known for their natural metabolic functions. There are also stronger diuretics that you can use and these you can either take via prescription or over the counter. It would be recommended if you have a short notice employment drug test to use the stronger alternative of the diuretics.
How To Be Aware Of Your Rights?
As an employee, you need to know your rights to help you pass an unexpected test. You can either do a bit of research to get familiar with your rights or schedule a consultation with a legal provision that will clarify the rules and regulations that you have to abide by.
First of all, you need to be aware that not all laws are the same, but the most common ones require you to give information beforehand and explain to the candidate that the employee drug test is a standard step in the selection process. Afterward, consent is obtained from the employee and the test is done.
In case there is a suspicion a particular employee consumes drugs, a random test can be initiated, but you need to be aware that these tests are usually not allowed and know this as your right. Another thing to have in mind is that all of the employees should be given the same drug employment test. Do your research well before you dive deep into the employment process.

Know The Reasons Behind The Drug Screening
Informing yourself about the drug screening process and methods is crucial, as we mentioned above. These practices are important in protecting safety in the working environment, preventing accidents, and obtaining a healthy and transparent workforce. According to some statistics, the employees who abuse drugs are more likely to be absent from work for extended periods, have irregular working schedules, frequently change jobs, be late, or be involved in some work accidents. To prevent all of this from happening, the employer is obligated to do drug screening tests to maintain the work balance. So, make sure you follow and remember these tips and advice for your future job-seeking adventure.