Swisher is the mastermind behind Swisher Sweets – one of the most famous cigars in the world. Since its founding in 1861, its popularity remains unparalleled. In the United States alone, Swisher is the best-selling cigar brand – and in high demand among blunt and spliff smokers. It has, in fact, already become a household term when talking about blunts – and unsurprisingly so.
Swisher brand cigars are widely available and budget-friendly. Each stick is also uniform and easy to split, making it much easier to roll than other brands. So if you are new to rolling blunts, then you cannot choose a better brand.
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How To Roll A Blunt With A Swisher
To make one, it entails slicing the cigar open, removing the innards, and re-purposing the tobacco leaf as a blunt wrap by filling it with weed. Before proceeding, though, there are necessary preparations – the materials and the workspace.

Here are the things you need:
- Dried cannabis bud
- Swisher cigar
- Weed grinder
- Blunt splitter (recommended)
- Rolling tray (recommended)
- Filter (recommended)
- Swisher Sweets come in different flavors – including chocolate, blueberry, grapes, mango, and peach, among others. There are also hybrid blends, such as lemon mango, vanilla cream, and watermelon fruit punch. Alternatively, you can just opt for the classics. At any rate, each cigar promises to be slow-burning and aromatic. Remember, too, that what you are going to use is the cigar wrapper only.
- If you are still learning how to roll a blunt, it is a good idea to have more than one cigar on hand.
- In place of a blunt splitter, you can use a sharp pocket knife.
- If you do not have a pre-rolled filter, then prepare an index card (or any similar stiff paper), ruler, pencil, and scissors. Ideally, it should be unbleached and free of ink markings.
1. Split The Swisher Cigar
This step involves splitting the cigar lengthwise – from the butt to the tip. While a small razor blade will suffice, it can be tricky to use, especially for beginners. It runs the risk of damaging the wrapper or poking extra holes at the bottom leaf, which means that you may have to start all over again. With practice, though, it will get better.
To make your life easier, just use a blunt splitter.
A blunt splitter is a small plastic tool shaped like a coffee mug – but with both ends hollowed out. The tube, which is large enough to let a cigar pass through, has a surgical steel blade positioned strategically inside, splitting the top shell of the tobacco leaf into two. Meanwhile, the “mug handle” has a keychain, allowing you to hang it on your bag for fuss-free cutting anytime, anywhere.
An established brand is EZ Splitz, which only costs $9.99 for a pack of six pieces.
To use, simply push the Swisher cigar through the blunt splitter tube. Do so until the blade cuts the cigar down its entire length. Make sure not to damage the bottom leaf wrap.
2. Empty The Cigar
After splitting the cigar, carefully pry open the sides, then gut it out. You can just push the contents out with a finger or a pencil. You can also use a pair of tweezers to extract the material. Be extra careful, as you may still tear the tobacco leaf at this point. After removing, discard the innards.
3. Grind The Cannabis Buds
Now that the blunt wrap is ready, it is time to prepare your weed. Around one to two grams will do. You can use the less-than-desirable stash, but consider tossing in some good-quality ones as well. Or better yet, just use your top-shelf flowers.
Grab the weed grinder, and grind the buds coarsely. Do not pulverize it into powdery dust, which will allow it to get past the filter and end up in your mouth and throat.
4. Prepare The Roach
A roach or a filter is highly recommended when smoking a blunt. This small slip of paper is placed at one end of the wrap before it is rolled. Such a simple addition can dramatically improve the toking experience. It blocks the ash and plant bits from getting into the mouth, reduces coughing, and prevents the accidental burning of the lips and the fingers.
You can either buy a filter or make it from scratch using a few materials.
Option 1: Buy It
RAW is one of the most trusted brands for rolling papers. The Original Tips, which are crafted using unrefined natural long fibers, are already cut into the appropriate size and only need to be rolled. Or, you can also buy the Pre-Rolled Tips for even greater convenience. Either way, rest assured that the material is sturdy and will hold its shape well – even when moistened.
Option 2: Make It
To make a roach, all you need is an index card cut into a 1″ x 2″ strip. Hold it lengthwise, then bend – not fold – a few pleats on one end to form a W or an M. Each tuck should be more or less of the same size. Afterward, roll the paper so that the folds are inside the cylinder. Apply some slight pressure until the filter achieves the desired shape.
5. Pack The Herbs Into The Blunt
Place the tobacco leaf horizontally on the rolling tray – the Classic Rolling Tray from RAW is a fantastic choice. Position the filter on one end of the wrap. Afterward, start sprinkling your weed on top. Load as much as you can to fatten up that blunt. Tightly packing the blunt also gives it a rigid and stable structure, ensuring that it will not collapse once lit up.
Distribute the herb evenly by prodding it with a finger, or by lightly shaking the wrap. By the end, the plant matter should be shaped like a log or a straight cylinder.
6. Roll & Tuck The Blunt
Now, this is where it gets tricky. Do not be hard on yourself if you screw it up on the first try. As the old adage goes – “practice makes perfect.”
Begin by picking up the blunt with the two hands – thumbs placed above it, and the rest of the fingers supporting it on the back. Roll the weed back and forth using two thumbs. Start at the butt (where the filter is). Then, slowly work your way to the tip or the burning end. Some plant matter may fall out along the way, but that’s okay. The rolling tray will capture all the crumbs and bits.
Once done, tuck the bottom flap of the tobacco wrapper under the top one. Again, start on the butt end and continue tucking until you reach the tip.
7. Dampen & Seal The Blunt
Complete the tuck by licking the whole length of the exposed edge – or the interior side of the blunt wrapper. Ensure that it is amply coated with saliva – but not to the point that it is a slobbering mess. Then, press it over the tucked part of the blunt. The saliva will act as a glue, fastening the two sides together. Once done, run a lighter over the blunt to secure the stick, and also to make it less soggy.
8. Blaze It Up
That’s about it. Admire the fruit of your labor. Then, light up the blunt, take a hit, then sit back and relax as you wait for the powerful high to take hold.
Elevate Your Blunt With A Swisher
There are several kinds of blunt wraps you can use, but nothing beats a good old Swisher. It has, after all, stood the test of time for a reason. It is cheap, accessible, easy to roll, and comes in a wide range of flavors. Hence, if it is your first time rolling a blunt, using Swisher can make things somewhat more manageable.

But, know that while rolling a blunt is quite straightforward, it does take some practice to master. While your first stick might look sloppy, it will not make the hit any less gratifying. After all, what else can be more rewarding than rolling your own doobie? That said, with patience, it will not be long before you can craft that perfect Swisher blunt.